My family was blessed this past week with a new addition. My first granddaughter was born on Dec.27 at 8:59 p.m. Hailey Jade Parker is 18 inches long and 6 lb. and 11 oz. She is the first child for my stepson and his fiancee and she is a beauty!
My daughter, Brianna, returned to Ky today after a ten day visit. It was wonderful spending time with her. Mr. Aiden got a new haircut while she was visiting.
I finally finished CCN's "Apple Picking." I took it to the framer and picked up my framed "Spring's Promise." It turned out really nice.
I am still working on Prairie Schooler's, "Santa's Night." I have not stitched since I have been on Christmas break. I just seemed to always be busy.
I have some stitching goals this coming year. I want to finish "Santa's Night," two blocks on Autumn @Hawk Run Hollow, finish "march" and "april" from LHN's monthly samplers, and work on "Monticello." I have joined a challenge on my blackbird group. I had to choose a dozen patterns that I would like to complete this year. My patterns are:june stocking-new arrival;blackbird sampler; spring blessings; summer offering; with my needle-loose feathers no.2; mother's honor due; morning star-motif; casting a spell/rave; loose feathers summer; loose feathers autumn; loose feathers winter; and a new design. I know I will actually be lucky to finish a couple of these but the challenge should get the stitching mojo going. I also want to do a couple of prairie schooler designs and a smaller carriage house sampling design. So many things to stitch and so little time!
I,also, have personal goals. I want to make sure that I tell the people I love that I love them everyday and to thank God every day for the blessings that he has placed upon me. I want to be more patient, kind, and caring. God bless you all and I wish all of you a Happy New Year!